Equipment Free Workouts for Winter Break
Alivia Chenoweth Alivia Chenoweth

Equipment Free Workouts for Winter Break

Going home for the holidays means you don’t have access to LaHaye. But that doesn’t mean you have to lose your routine! Doing simple, short workouts from the comfort of home can be very effective in attaining your goals—no gym necessary. Here are some exercises you can complete at home over winter break.

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Preparation for Finals
Alivia Chenoweth Alivia Chenoweth

Preparation for Finals

Finals week is approaching, which means stress! A lot of people struggle finding mental health balance during this time, and the motivation to do the final push through classes can be tough. Thankfully, there are 3 weeks until finals season which means there is plenty of time to prepare. Preparation is prevention, so let’s dive into the 5 ways that you can prepare for finals and make it into something positive.

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Spiritually Fasting & Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Alivia Chenoweth Alivia Chenoweth

Spiritually Fasting & Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Fasting is commonly seen as a time where you take an absence of food to focus on spiritual growth. That often turns people away from the concept of fasting, but instead think of it as this; the act of humbly denying something of the flesh to glorify God, enhance our spirit, and go deeper in our prayer life.

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Keeping It Real with CrossFit
Alivia Chenoweth Alivia Chenoweth

Keeping It Real with CrossFit

In the past 15 years, CrossFit has hit the fitness industry by storm. It emphasizes interval training and Olympic weightlifting, but CrossFit also includes modifications making it similar to normal exercises if you aren’t an Olympian. It’s a great way to stay fit with aerobic and strength-based routines.

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