Preparation for Finals
Finals week is approaching, which means stress! A lot of people struggle finding mental health balance during this time, and the motivation to do the final push through classes can be tough. Thankfully, there are 3 weeks until finals season which means there is plenty of time to prepare. Preparation is prevention, so let’s dive into the 5 ways that you can prepare for finals and make it into something positive.
Make To Do Lists
Organizing and prioritizing when you are going to study for each class can actually alleviate anxiety, according to Psychology Today. Lists help combat avoidance and procrastination—they help organize your inner chaos, making your workload feel more manageable.
Back Off the Caffeine
Yep—you read that right. I just stated the unspeakable, and probably the opposite of what you think you should do during finals week. Caffeine is known to increase your alertness, but it also increases anxiety. Focus on limiting yourself to one to two cups a day instead of the normal five to six. You’ll end up sleeping better too and your body will thank you.
Don’t Neglect Healthy Eating Habits
It’s easy to reach for the snacks and foods that are quick and reliable when we don’t have time to make something healthy. Foods lacking in nutrients slow down your brain, making your body and mind more tired and struggling to focus.
Pro tip—grab some blueberries instead of that Kit Kat. Blueberries are high in antioxidants that boost brain power and memory.
Switch Up Your Space
Sitting in one room for too long, staring at the same book can actually cause your brain to become stale and stagnant. A change of pace and environment can trigger your brain to make new memory associations. For example, if you have been sitting in a dark room for a while, move to a seat near the windows. There is nothing a little Vitamin C can’t fix!
Take Breaks
This is so important and can’t be emphasized enough! It’s okay to step away for a few hours and let yourself recharge. One of the BEST ways to do this is to hit the gym and get your body moving! LaHaye Rec and Fit offers over 30 free Group Exercise and Group Ex Plus classes (at an additional cost) available to you to get your mind off of the anxiety and worries of the semester. On December 4-6 from 7–8 P.M., there will be a Candlelight Restorative Yoga Class (free for Group Ex Plus, $10 for non-members) that will blend several styles of yoga with aromatherapy to ease your body and mind in a stressful season.
Hopefully a few of these tips are helpful to you as you prepare yourself for finals week. The end of the semester has so many fun Christmas events going on for you to enjoy, and preparing early for finals will help you feel less stressed and more festive. Good luck!